Chinese president ordered the army, "be prepared to win the war '

Chinese president ordered the army, "be prepared to win the war '

Chinese President Shi jinapingale order to prepare for his country win the war against the army said. And when the war with information about the obstacles that he and his soldiers for the war to strengthen his preparations have been expressed.

23 million young People's Liberation Army of China (PLA), the world's largest army. It is Sunday 8 9 years old. She took the opportunity to host the president for the war are hard training should emphasize. .

Other Army to control the workings of China's Communist Party is different PLA. If other countries control the government work force.

She has four years of drastic changes in Chinese military power in 2013, had the responsibility of their attention focused on the PLA. According to the army command was the party that wants to work basically. He said to them, 'Increase your ability to win the war. End corruption and improve their work and bring a change in style. "

President Shi jinapingale growing tensions in view of the South China Sea have instructed the army gird their loins.