Flag intra-party disputes the new power is still not registered

Flag intra-party disputes the new power is still not registered

Nepal Baburam Bhattarai, the new power party flag due to a dispute Election Commission still has not been registered. The new power introduced by the Commission in a 5-star flag any ML (janasamajavadi party elections are loaded, the new power of the party ate mail the Election Commission has registered prakriya be confused.
"They gave Darchula RSS for party registration process. However, their flag falls in a different party symbols has been some controversy. It is yet to be decided, "Prasad Aryal Commission Information Officer said," The issue of our legal branch is looking for. "
General talks chaired by the head of the Commission is not satisfied that a decision in the case, is sitting on benches. The ruling can be appealed to the Court disagrees.
The new power of his party's election symbol is also asked. But only for the purpose of election commission, said the day can be. Aryal said that relationship - "Now, that's not the sign of election, for the purpose of. After starting the electoral process the Commission is to call for the parties in the election. "Now the legal section of the new power issue, and the issue will take some time saltina he said.