Oli government is the government that dhalnuma India's hand has been evident as the sun

Oli government is the government that dhalnuma India's hand has been evident as the sun

Bahadur Sunar, or 4 elected MP Banke area you want. Vis Vis 2064 and 2070 and both its role under the pressure exerted by the Constituent Assembly, he played the role of the country, urging the construction of the new constitution. .2035 Mapping agency, who started the year 2038 BS Left party politics was subscribed. CPN-UML central member and an alternate member of the central Nepal oppressed ethnic liberation of society. The first constituent member of the CPN-UML on behalf of the proportional group had also worked as a member of the goldsmiths Opinion of the Committee.

Jhala Nath Khanal government during the irrigation rajyamantrisameta facts, Goldsmith said the district spends most of his time sitting in his own constituency you want an active party. The current political turmoil toppling the government of his party in the capital because of political calculations, but now he is under active. Many understand the nationalist government as Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, the Government must be to die prematurely when the current political movements, and the next front office Jointly roads laitanepala sunarasamga laitanepala Susil santosaraja for the conversation to decide on flash:

UML-led government, which is currently a long time could not go ahead?

CPN-UML government has long passes along the main reason is that the government is the nation, nationality and livelihoods, and was centered was also committed. Some of the government's stand nationality native-foreign powers was nervous condition. In this case the power of the government for several days while in Nepal and falling effect was incorrect due udangine risk. So the power of the government arranged for a variety of conspiracy played a subtle role. It is a party of the coalition government, and the government took back support in the minority and the government could not go ahead. These are the main cause of the current government nabadhnuko before.

The current government is a subtle hand, India has been much talk that is going on? Prachanda and the Sher Bahadur Deuba government than India's main role is subtle?

Major as though, Sher Bahadur Deuba went to India depart this government came deubaji the agenda of the first dhalaune. Maoist Chairman Prachanda in collaboration with the Centre de facto government in the state was the subject of discussion maodika asantustiharu are revived after 27 on the consensus and cooperation for meeting the 3-point and 9-point agreement also made it. In this case the main opposition Nepali Congress as the government began to contain not a new thing. Although this is normal parliamentary system Deuba government, a subtle hint of India was actively involved. Prachanda had trouble with it after the government. Speaking about the implementation of a gentlemen's agreement 've no-confidence motion in parliament when the government said had come out. Pracandajiharu 9-point, 3-point implementation, a gentlemen's agreement not comply with lawful government came out on stage. My personal as saying today is that if you contact them if he was such a gentleman's agreement that the agreement hunupathryo is my opinion.

However, there is not even a cult leader, known for anti-UML KP Sharma Oli, the market out of his own party, the government's role is to contain the comrade he heard that you?

First things: either I am the CPN-UML, then uttered a few others. CPN-UML said the country weakened the nation, and the nation issues janajivika weak for it. UML leader of the upright, against the UML cadres working in this case we would think the comment. So to me that someone who blame the anti-KP Oli, let it be I do not fully repealed. Individual as the eighth and ninth general convention since the convention, and I am active Madhav Kumar Nepal camps. However, the Chairman of our Party-led government has taken various exemplary work jastoh India stand during the blockade, China Treaty, social security works and nationality Palace, kamaharule KP Sharma Oli has taken every Nepali government was successful in mind. One of the CPN-UML cadres in terms of the Government of each UML have pride. No one should own hamalie-led states against him for hurling a subtle role in recommending it looks like.

Why leftist government in Nepal, very low power tikchana factors, it seems, however, is the main reason?

Vis Manmohan Adhikari, the government came in 2051 BS. Many of these decisions that Nepal's development and interests of those who run the household bamapanthiharule also run to verify that. However, if Nepal has rdubhagya bamapanthiharu chair and fight among themselves for power in trend occurred. Mutual antaravirodhakai because many problems are born. It is a coalition of various leftist to weaken the power of native-foreign pratikriyabadi are practicing various movements so. Nepal's communist movement because of the inability of most slightly above the clouds above Mridula see many sattamukhi. And the sacrifice, penance and devotion of any lack of leftist. Sustainable Peace in Nepal, the government seems to be so cut off.

KP Oli government slogans on the street was that the nation we are, in harmony with the party workers chanted in the streets is free of charge?

CPN-UML leader, activists say that the streets to protest. As the construction of embankments against the Indian people injured in yesterday svasrphuta remedy them out. Similarly, nationality, nation, and concerning a host country, region or class, caste that is not that. KP Oli nation and nationality, as the government worked with the country's major interests, he impressed the public. The sensitive time in this nation we plot against the government against the people out of the streets and yuvasaktile. There is no political cadres in the meeting.

They are so countries nationalist forces, which the country is concerned. Some leaders of the CPN-UML cadres mingled with the crowd afterwards, does not mean it is wrong. I bear you an example of constituent traffic office building near the East Gate, demanding the right to sit for a long time vrddhaharule giving different. When KP Oli in increased government budget allowance and social security allowances jindabada UML, KP Oli jindabada shouted that the elderly. They knew not what the UML is? After good work by all, free support garihalchana.

KP Oli walked to work, did gaphamatra allegations that about you? The government and gossip, except that some of the remarkable work was?

It is also the fact that the opposition protest. Oli said the government, after which the works Mridula fact. The government was formed in situ during the land blockade. Under such circumstances, the government self-sustaining government that led the people without the people that the government of Nepal has led to hypersensitive. The people of India not to bow, saying "we walk nakamau KP feet hidachaum you, you eat rice," shouted that. During the blockade, some Madhesi parties hold the country had made a mess. However, the government increased the national self-catches without sanctions in Lehi, to reach out. This historic agreement with the Government of China during the next neighbor had. Various programs have been started, that the country should be self-reliant. For a short period the government welfare budget brought Oli. KP Oli said that the government has done what the government is now preparing to take care of harassment Prachanda yesterday met Chinese ambassador before the government increased Oli work himself, and begged bisaebatai be understood that before the stretch. Oli said something unexpected were to defend the whole country before the party sardainthyo. Nepalese political leaders in the history of the nation the true guard olijasto-led nation we had seen. Leader of the nation in favor of Nepal Nepal olijasto say that there was now no need to be ashamed of.

The construction of a national consensus government to reach out severe nettrrtvama now become part of a government-UML badhanalai is why the problem occurred?

It is not a problem UML. However, now the government is ready to use the steering wheel and then his activity Prachanda's parliament speech about his run-wheelers, we travel together I feel like I can be done. He Parliament, Prime Minister Oli anti-federalism, the monarchy is returning, such as UML accused attempted to show the whole negative. Prachanda politics was beginning to prove KP Oli bhogisaknubhaeko rigorous monarchy. Prachanda, CPN-UML on various charges such cases, the national consensus has closed the way. Tomorrow he will admit my mistake and now we move forward together, he says, comes from the CPN-UML in favor of consensus. UML country and the welfare of the people is always the case in favor of consensus is and will remain rahariheko.

Aftermath rededicated, the relief, the implementation of the Constitution, the political parties in this case the problem of demarcation land conflicts is becoming more depleted. In this case, what the role of the party in front of us?

All the issues you have mentioned the party to bring the destination we are committed to the whole place. The government and relief work was rededicated before the elbow, it should continue. The issue of federalism and the demarcation of its place we have a lot of work. Constituency, proportional to the number of seats has been working. Citizenship is not the issue of discrimination against anyone, it is not the mainstream, some discrimination. Who have tried to raise the issue of naturalized citizenship issue, they carry neither citizenship by naturalization are some of the leaders, with whom naturalized citizenship of Nepal's President, the Prime Minister has the desire to become. But, they adopted it amplifies that in India, Modi Sonia Gandhi to become prime minister on the basis of citizenship given to themselves precedent is looking. Now the implementation of the Constitution that has been implemented now. Oli Upendra Yadav government is opposing the constitution to conform the Constitution under Article Chowk after signing a motion that the Constitution did not say that.

How UML party before now abound, that the government will lower the tapaiharupani some time and start the game to make?

Now his agenda for the implementation of the CPN-UML good opposition role. People's livelihoods, and about the nationality issue by the CPN-UML, and they always will.

What is the relationship with its people constituencies here now, hast made before he did.

It is a very good relationship with my janatasamga. I lived most of my own village, and people do not always meet. The roads in my area promises, the pool, the hospital has been built. How many places is being built. There is one thing that I will give the promise of land ownership on land without the people were. It has been some delay. I am determined to complete it anyway. Thank you.