"Love parlaparla olisita as sitting, but lost inclusive

"Love parlaparla olisita as sitting, but lost inclusive 

Party Chairman Rajendra Mahato any construction activities in duidesako without consent should not have said that. Began to make unilateral activities in India, Nepal and bharatiyabica Manger Tie clash near disputed dam dam Saptari Talking to media on Sunday, Mahato said, "duidesako border without consent, and do no work.

Two senior vice president of the party mrgendrakumara Singh Yadav and Nawal Shah and a dozen activists, including a member of the group with activities in central government non jimmevaripanaka old Mahato accused due to activities in the clash.

He said, "The public activities in the border escort head phodaumdai are, the government said the chair was taken away, worrying that consciousness is. 'Activities in dam construction topic in the past for a long time disputed despite the state kutanitikastarama solution to the lack of necessary time to initiate failure, and the state bodies irresponsible Having trouble rising, he said.

"The government was responsible for the lack of activities in the clash, betirotiko bad relationship to the Nepali and Indian government is about to overpower one another," Mahato said, "the bishop's nephew, uncle nephew's head due to the role of non-governmental phodane status is. '

Nepal said the government was plagued by feelings of madhesiprati obstinate. Mahato said, "whose results showed activities in a dam, while time does not solve the problem, and send people to die. '

The Congress-led government to cut political spoke KP Sharma Oli, the Maoists support coalitions at the center, even riches to vote in favor of the allowance avisvasakai outlined deceived by thinking.

'Kepioli of anti-hes asked Bihar Bihar, we have wished to show that such a government to cut, "Mahato said, standing against a coalition of usarakarako that are being done at the time collaboration."

Addressing the Congress, he made it clear that the Maoists are not included in the coalition government. Prime Minister Mahato said the oliprati satire, 'I said initially, then solve problems, I also called Madhesi Oli Kathmandu sitting with her love something like that. But he did not budge from it to solve problems, and as the love parlaparla lost. '

Mahato party for the flood victims with relief materials to come SAPTARI. He districts affected by flooding in the southern villages have been inspected on Sunday.