Wife-girlfriend minister for sport!

Wife-girlfriend minister for sport!

Kathmandu-proportional lawmakers are not abuse his wife made the leaders of member again next golden age is coming. Sraimati various party leaders, girlfriend, sister or relatives had made proportional lawmaker.

The new constitution have swarmed into the CA party member said Mrs MPs is the minister planning to fell into a state of happiness husband and praimiharulai basisakha nanthi hand.

The new coalition government Sher Bahadur Deuba said to be behind a charioteer. MP Arzu Deuba Deuba, she also. This time he has had aspirations to become a minister.

Maoist Prime Minister Prachanda future wife garidinuparnecha Deuba Bombay. This time Arju Minister Deuba also be very tight to death and his wife's dream of infectious disease transmitted to Congress, as is discussed.

This means that now hitting Arzu Deuba got to pace .In the Minister Rajendra Mahato the wife sailidevi bannechin Minister Mahato also like to be engaged.

The party leader, activists say, - our party cabinet