When the information to write poetry in prison Prime Minister Oli

When the information to write poetry in prison Prime Minister Oli

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli in prison when he is given the information to write the poem.

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The program organized here today, he recited a poem in 2041 while living in Pokhara, written by confinement 'kharpana' title poem also told. On the occasion, the Prime Minister Oli started his political life and tempted out either by the said association sahityakarasamga. Peer, sub pasritatarpha target, he said, "I am the poet does not mean, by their associations lekhthame sometimes."

It seemed to come to a person confinement while in Pokhara kathamadaumkai 'kharpana' carrying the same title and the same impressed he wrote poetry, he added.

Every day in the evening I put this kharpanama
I leave the last day of thotromailo
I hunt every day in the morning there kharpana
I welcome the coming New mellow day
Our many generations, so it has been kharpana, athava
This kharpanabata futile many of our generation have been brought here
And currently I am carrying this kharpana
And it carried me and my family kharpanale
This kharpana my arms the way that life is harvested
But also kharpana way, which every day life gujrincha
It is my morning, my day, the evening also,
My childhood is kharpana, youth and old age is
My life is a lamp to burn them kharpana
Most of my life long friend kharpana
Person in my 'G-Sir', 'You are-you and I-I' of all relationships kharpana
My home, my pier, my hat What happens if my market-kharpana.

Cultural Forum organized by Nepal 'continued janasahitya Tour 28 th in a series of progressive poet Prof Dr Pokharel badrivisala' kurupatavirodhi 'more than 10 poem was recited. His poem, political satire, national pride, ornamental juice, natural beauty and array of social pathology.

Chairman of the Forum organizers Ram Binay that agreed to create a pro-literature that they have given to the protection and promotion of the said purpose.