Riversides around the river for more than 6 thousand colony risk river

Riversides around the river for more than 6 thousand colony risk river 

Barsasamgai frantic flood swept the bridge just around the riversides streams for hundreds of thousands of them will snatch sleep is incessant.

Nepal made to identify other damage not only manages sroha chattisa irrigation creek selection of thousands of farmers dependent women. Not so long ago seen only from the East-West Highway at risk, saying the Butwal pakki bridge and the river flowing riversides way other bridge and thinks deeply about potential plan, including a time bound-mortem.

Now a long time to local labor to Buddhanagar nearby workers by one hour until the working phutta foot riversides innings to reach not, in general, even at home, ropanis matched in the camp and adjacent college, some cooks have experienced thousands of students over the next weight and suffering has been added.

Looking man walked by catcher on December retail market, passenger traffic in Belhakatti incredible riksavalaharu displaced. Gradually increasing the market size and the market is samargama Butwal market by virtue of the size of the pulasamgai.

The thing is not in our control area of ​​nature, but the nature of precautions to make friends along the way of illustration, we can be the beginning of many prospects. Forest and beach area is heard Butwal, Butwal new would certainly not new, but the riversides.

Replacing the old way of living in the area came on the river And a river. At least not yet reached the river, teasing the market that is normal, but we no longer colony ash is understood the things that made the river adaima colony and winter alike, such as the plan of the bridge structure.

The bridge was swept swept Afzal own way, but the pain was certainly a surprise to be divided so rahenach subject. As per 2062 in the year 2073 when the bridge is made the same way a lot of water flowed riversides. Now, more than the damage to the 2064 flood.

It rained almost basaparkamai elan khayaraghari colony. So, remember to show an interest in humans, say the riversides tatabandhanama some work, but a lot to weak embankment into the river due to sahajaie successful.
Tinau wreak terror River suspension bridge kinarakalai only seem to be a problem in all. May be at the same place is the construction of a concrete bridge work could find Intensity-term relief, but it belongs to the construction of the bridge across the river, but the means to the problem, but the problem tarne tardaina, it is effectively the same as tatabandhana need.

Long Beach also viewed the past to control the riversides riversides extracted directly influence is felt in the innings. It is understood that this is not a small effort to resolve the problem. Try to be one long moment badhisamgai investment has contributed many questions.

. Looking at the data more than the normal colony riversides around 6 thousand in the river waters at risk of these 6 thousand house technical language prabidhikaharuko argue that long-term management are obstacles.

Even if you are no longer required to have committed his administration. But on the part of the side of the river to the river, saying that, then drift to and fro on the uchitidai course, why would freeze and, for that is at least so far that the river route chatuyai long-term measures adopted in the area is necessary tatabandhanaka.