Rajadhani large quantities of dead chickens coming bhitryaina recovered,

Rajadhani large quantities of dead chickens coming bhitryaina recovered,

By spending more money Kathmanduites Tainted meat consumption also have been reckless and risk. Dead Meat Shop conducting business and consumer sales of chicken meat has been an open secret. So consumers before consumption of chicken meat has been at once incomplete.

Animal Quarantine Office, Kathmandu the capital of the state exam for nearly a metric ton (one thousand kg) has taken control of the dead chickens. Quarantine control office would have died had the chicken meat to reach consumers in the kitchen. The dead chickens in the capital entrepreneurs illegally send Samakhusi office on Friday morning when the quarantine is to destroy Nagdhunga border, to take control.

16 of Birgunj, Kathmandu, Tharu Shah poultry kundanakumara New best cold stores are brought to the dead chickens.

Quarantine Office, Birgunj capital freed daparasurama exam that morning, 7: 30 pm Three hundred chickens died Nagdhunga border, controlling quarantine office is destroyed. The freed Birgunj, Kathmandu, Tharu Shah, 16, of poultry kundanakumara New best available cold store to the capital of five hundred chickens were eased. Saha Na 3 Kha f 5 9 52 Bolero pickup van and had brought upon kukhara.

Kamal Jit placed in quarantine office five kilometers in the technical conditions of three hundred dead chickens were met. 'Dead poultry meat and all poultry impounded immediately for consumers to hold sales control liyou our team, Dr. Manhandled said, "to take control of the dead chickens were not destroyed his flesh now (Friday evening) was reached by the consumers bhanchasamma.

Earlier, a special monitoring during the dead by ramgabhainsi 6, duck, two hundred, three, and many chickens and goats to take control of Nagdhunga bordering kvarentainale was destroyed. Mainly due to a large number of entrepreneurs, especially in the valley hidden hidden khasiboka dead, buffaloes and chickens have to bring.

Bolero vehicle carrying the dead chickens have been technical Gyawali suspicion when they are tested chickens were found. According to him, two hundred returned and the rest of the living five kilometers in poultry biology budhanilakanthasthita cut a hole dug in the premises of Pitt, was buried.

Animal quarantine check posts Nagdhunga darabandisahita approved the provision of security, hence these entrepreneurs and rapped evading the dead chickens, buffalo, duck, bringing khasiboka and preparing meat for consumers who are selling. Quarantine office work to control this animal quarantine checkpoints to immediately install Nagdhunga source sadhanasahitako butcher Ministry has been demanding.