Accident Investigation report says, human error has ayogakae star eyarakae plane crash

  human error has ayogakae star eyarakae plane crash

July 16. Air in the regular flights to Jomsom from Pokhara Star (N eecaeca) tuinaatara aircraft accident because of an error is found in the human.

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Tara Air plane crash to check the relationship formed 'Accident Investigation Commission' today's report concluded that the public is so.

The plane landed last February 12 on solighopte Myagdi VDC Dana was the accident. Calakadalasahita accident 23 people were killed. There were two foreigners.

The same day, the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal purvamahanirdesaka rajesaraja daliko Accident Investigation Commission was formed a five-member Presidency. To submit a report within three months on the responsibility of the Commission more time to study the report is submitted to the government.

The report adverse weather flight when the accident the driver and the technical aspects of the event because of the ship's human error has not been seen.

Crashed plane parts, geographic location, and the data record on the basis of human error is the main cause of the plane crash Commission. Commission secretary at the Ministry of Tourism Minister and Suresh Acharya studies and technical examination of human error has been found in the plane crash, said.

Drstiyogya domestic airlines during the flight (bhiephaara) under the Pokhara to Jomsom Mustang flew planes for calakadalale deteriorating weather, in spite of the incursions into darkness by making the default flight path deviation to the left of the stage through Tatopani khaenca plane that point onward, till he was narrow.

Jomasomatarpha plane landed slide forward deviated from that reached the presence of soil characteristic of fairy device sensitivity, without having seen the picture and sound to alert the bindutarpha take more left-diverting aircraft altitude, offering the main structure of the lower surface of the rocky mountains, the friction of the aircraft had landed at the accident report said.

Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Ministry today held Dali Tourism Commission chairman Anand Prasad Pokharel handed report.

Receiving the report, the report of the state-owned completely by implementing the planned program in the coming days to reduce such accidents he said.

Tourism Secretary Prem Kumar Rai to reduce aircraft accidents and to improve the Ministry to involve effective policy action in the coming days, he said.