ANNFSU (Revolutionary) protests against Tilathi attack

ANNFSU (Revolutionary) protests against Tilathi attack


The All Nepal National Free Students Union (Revolutionary), the student wing of the CPN (Maoist Center), has demonstrated Saturday against the attack on Nepalese by Indian side at Tilathi in Saptari district. The ANNFSU (Revolutionary) demonstrated at Maitighar Mandala chanting different slogans including 'Stop Indian intervention', Let's respect retaliation of Tilathi folks' and 'Madhes and Madhesis are ours'. At a corner gathering organized after the demonstration, Member Secretary of the CPN (Maoist Center) and former Chairman of the ANNFSU (Revolutionary), Lekhnath Neupane, it was necessary that people from Tarai, hilly and mountainous regions should be united and fight together over the issue of nationalism.