Chief of the United Nations condemned the school attack

Chief of the United Nations condemned the school attack 

A school in the northern Yemeni vicious attack last Saturday in the United Nations Chief Ban Ki-moon has condemned. The fierce aerial attack on Saturday strongly condemned the BKM pravaktaddhara is described in a press release.

Gaddafi rebels have a strong influence in the province, located in a school attack in Saudi arebiyaavaddha the airport at least 10 balalabalika killed and many others were injured.

Plain, located in the province of haidana regarding the teaching of the Koran be made to the school in this air attack by at least 10 children were killed and another 28 were injured. The attacks, children 8 to 15 years of age without daktaras bordars (MSF), the spokesman said malaka saherale.

The United Nations children agency UNICEF confirmed the attack in the coming days to prevent such attacks has cetaavanisameta. Gaddafi relinquish its obligation to respect the warring parties to UNICEF international kanunabhitra even has urged the warring huthi vidrohiharuko yamanama support the Saba News Agency has also confirmed this news.

Saudi Arabia, supported by fighter aircraft on Saturday against the Yemeni rebels huthi northern provinces more than 1 hundred and attacks on news sabale Committee has said. In March last year, continue to Gaddafi attacked Saudi arebiyaavaddha Airport is four hundred thousand people died, and it has a large number, Children of the United Nations has said.

Although the Saudi leadership, the United Alliance Army's air strikes on Sunday he reiterated that there have been child's aim to make the goal. School is not your target, and the target of their training center operated by sadasthita huthi vidrohiddhara is prastyaeko.

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