drug duvyarsana

drug duvyarsana

The body and brain called the sedative drug addiction, substance addiction, the same drug duvyarsana called bad. Such drug addicts human mind is inactive. Lagupadarthaantargata mukhtayah brown sugar heroin, etc..
Confluence of duty and joy of life could not be viewed by people slipping into the pit reaches a strange distortion. Youth should be involved in nation-building is a very serious problem for a country to become a victim of such duvyarsanako has become.
Of life, give up eating, mental stress or fear and panic through drug addiction pursue the ways in which young people are actually deleting the young are not, are the air, the air is also contaminated. Drug addiction is that positive thinking is distorted due to the advancement of the instrument.
Duvyarsana drug problem is global. Where as quantities are duvyarsaniharu, there is less amount of unrest rooted. Today's youth are the future and the country to lead the charioteer. What journey tomorrow modinecha country that is in their hands.
Today's youth are the future and hopeful spirit. If you are young, then the country's development duvyarsani How is this so? Today's youth is the future and has reached the status of jimmevariyukta level would, hypothesis that can not be. Nowhere in the judgment as an unjust person can not imagine, so a sick person and a healthy society duvyarsani hypothesis must not be so.
Culture and wrong wrong wrong birth to a culture of life culture with pride in our nation makes the hollow. Now, the only courage Young power to reduce drug duvyarsanako.
Clear mind is Satan's camp, so the young people wear a creative work. Now all the young people together, arm in arm with drugs, addiction and trafficking and pursue it.
Now all the youth together for social awareness campaign should be conducted. Tomorrow the government to lead the main character of today's youth as a drug producers should pressure other product Chamgang out.
Youth power is the power that positive and creative role of the partner through the drug can reduce duvyarsanako. Whether the youth is not it? Age might change, revolution can bring about drug addiction, and what a great thing?
Where will there's a way as if all the young people that it was committed to its campaign for reduction is not impossible.