Gas bullet parliamentary committee to discuss the purchase process

Gas bullet parliamentary committee to discuss the purchase process

Supply Ministry and the Nepal Oil nigamabicako dispute Legislature-Parliament, the Committee on Industry, Commerce and Consumer interest has reached the chacalkina.


Bullet LP gas supply in terms of the Indian gas nakakandika previous years due to the government of Nepal to feel the need to be bullet September 2072 8 in the direction of the Corporation, for the purchase of 775 public notice by the bullet was. But the ministry on July 5 and July 7 at a cabinet decision to change the rules of the Corporation, but the bullet before buying process in the name of the municipality and the NOC had directed the Committee has become the subject of this discussion.

Discussion NOC Executive Director gopalabahadura Khadka, gas bullet purchases about 2072 left the Ministry of Information garaisakiekama there is no answer had not come, the Ministry executive director of joint staff only as of viewing, management committee and executive director assigned to nachuttieko and sanctions during the black has and gas bullet Purchase Process carry out the process has moved forward, claiming to mean that buses are accused.

The board meeting is unwilling to come to the Ministry of nirdesanamatra various times, he said, he said, "one person Presidents and Secretary of the Ministry and the Board of Directors of the Corporation will double role in the work may be a problem."

The allegation Secretary of the Ministry during the turbulent times of petroleum products Sridhar Prasad Sapkota is stopped by the government to facilitate the Corporation in support of government for all business, the chief executive regulation amendment proposal to the Ministry the same day the committee was formed, some not even that the ministry also said that the attack is beneficial.

An intervention by the Ministry would work contrary to the situation, the decision comes, he said, the government has refused to file that decision the executive director of the Corporation and upon the charge of magaumdasameta not provided the Board of Directors meeting to represent them also complained uncomfortable.

Secretary of the Ministry and the NOC Executive Committee nirdesakabica charges and pratyaropapachi Bhishmaraj andambele this matter very seriously and have taken the need for the investigation sub-committee said.

The committee directed

Import of petroleum products increase private sector participation in the formation of this committee and various times to supply the Commission directed the Ministry of prativedanabamojima given ÷ Committee, he said the next day policy on this matter and decided that the Ministry of Law, Department of coordination and cooperation between stakeholders and suggested that.

President anadambele bullet purchase order process immediately forward to the LP gas a month to complete the drafting process and the shipping regulations and policy decisions in the coming days to work in coordination with the Ministry and nigamabica He also directed.

Shiva Ghimire the discussion on behalf of private entrepreneurs in 2017 has already been an agreement not to import Indian gas operator bullet to avoid the problem tomorrow and the day to avoid wasted investment aphuharuko urged to purchase gas bullet is not a great change regarding the regulation not to block the purchase process can not be said that a culture.

Most of the members of the Committee Regulations, the only reason not to block the purchase process KMG gas bullet had suggested. The content is available in RSS 9sravya 0