Lumbini Zonal Transport Office tinabarsadekhi lack of driver's license nakhulaumda

Lumbini Zonal Transport Office tinabarsadekhi lack of driver's license nakhulaumda

Nagai Zonal Transport Management Office licenses Work release the past and malavahaka means to drive large vehicles Transportation tinabarsadekhi nakhulauda driver shortage.

Showing a different reason Lumbini Zonal Transport Management Office butabalale license exam three years of employment guarantee waiver does not say .Nepal the drivers license or regions for employment in the absence of the driver is falling.

The new rules would apply to the distribution license since the license has been no large vehicles Butwal. Increased vehicle, driver's license due to lack of foreign employment and the travel industry, the problem of lack of drivers has been added to the streets increased risk of accident.

"A driver has run two-three vehicles, Western Traffic Management Committee chairman Lok Raj Pokharel said, -" has the same effect on the business, including increased risk of accident .Last year malavahaka means only 3 thousand more have been added. Chairman of the area and only four hundred vehicles added Pokharel said.

West Nepal Bus Entrepreneurs Association, according to statistics seven years, 5 thousand drivers are bidesieka. The bus driver Professional associations affiliated with all kinds of large vehicles and drivers are only a thousand of the region or regions the average annual have to go.

The lack of a guarantee of employment for thousands of drivers 30-35 to go to the Gulf states, Western Nepal Bus Entrepreneurs Association had clabber kharel now. Workers dependent on the security of government agencies have been forced to focus She napugda drivers bidesina year.

Revenue collected more than necessary to defy the transport route bhitryauda vehicles have been industrialists complain that reflects the drivers of DSP. 'Vehicle struck a day, a week, the visions of the day should be done, and how the driver immediate family, who returned to Doha in Qatar for three years if the driver nimabahadura Thapa, parivara Thanks for visiting friends or regions lazy to go to the monthly two million, making the doors, he said. In Nepal, at least 30 thousand, making large vehicles have to use a driver Monthly.

Lumbini Zonal Transport Management Office License Distribution Branch Chief Prakash Aryal driver said that he could explain the lack of information, even though the test immaterial Regional Traffic Police Office Butwal official driver miss the troubling light.

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