Nepal Electricity Authority has been living

Nepal Electricity Authority has been living 

Nepal Electricity Authority has been living in the former mumabadamaharani Mahendra Ratna Shah rajyalaksmidevi manjilama the electricity is re-jodidieko.

So far, 47 lakh 64 thousand rupees dues since 2068 when the electricity tariff cut line was outstanding manjilako Mahendra said on Sunday the NEA said on Sunday that even the former Shah's birthday had rajyalaksmidevi mumabadamaharani gems.

The cut-off time of shedding light not necessarily RPP Nepal Mahendra manjilama line social network was also opposed.

Under the Ministry of culture and tourism of culture and tourism ministry, Mahendra manjilako electricity tariff should be paid to the provision. During the budget with the Finance Ministry and Tourism Ministry of the culture of the said line jodidina Authority had sent a letter. The ministry is committed to pay a short timeframe, managing director of NEA janaekale line connected mukesaraja affected.

"The Ministry of Culture sent a letter to us he had to pay the Ministry of Energy is giving a guarantee," Executive Director of cows, "4 o'clock in the afternoon, we jodidieka Mahendra manjilama line."

The structure of the government under the Narayanhiti museum has been burning spices, pay the tax themselves. However, as previously provided by the government of Mahendra manjilako tariff bindings also said the government was committed to paying

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