Nepal Students' Union's 11th general-elect

Nepal Students' Union's 11th general-elect

Nepal Students' Union's 11th general-elect office-bearers and members of the GC Union has been recognized.

NSU candidate Bishnu Pokharel Kathmandu sahamahamantrika 11th general convention in Butwal today, no state. 5 The central vice light Rana, Union members Haribol Bhattarai, Lekhnath Bhattarai, Tanka GC Pandey respect in them.

Former President Ram Chandra Dhakal Nepali Congress Rupandehi victory officials and members of the Union Congratulations and best wishes to further consolidate and strengthen the organization giving them making the drafting. Stating that unite to form a phalanx than sumaha suggested ago faced.
Student Union Vice-no trace of light Rana expressed commitment to strengthening NSU without neglected.

Pokharel sahamahamantrika candidate lost the election program of the convention itself should be completed in the overall nevisanghaghako win cooperation puraune himself saying thank you to them all.

Nepali Congress regional president Hari disasters, Butwal City President khelaraja Pandey, AICC member Ram Bahadur Karki, Ward No. 11 of the President Pradeep Shrestha, Press Union District President Bikram Khadka, central committee candidate Bikram Sherchan, Manoj Thapa, among others, among others, wished to accede to unite rose above party and reception organization for the benefit of the program srahaniya sahamahamantrika candidate Pokharel has said it would help to further build nevisanghaghalai together thought was expressed kesaba Pandey Pandey that he had been welcomed by the program nectar.