Property details of their employees fines

Property details of their employees fines

Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority in fiscal year 2072/73 have been appointed by various bodies, a thousand three employees has a purse of Rs five thousand penalty.

Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority, CIAA

Prevention of Corruption Act, Section 50 subsection 205 9 9 10 received within 60 days of the appointment in accordance with the property description is unsatisfied with the staff purse of Rs five thousand penalty decision, the Commission said.

Prevention of Corruption Act, Section 50 subsection 205 9 9 10 bodies have been appointed in accordance with any legal provisions of the worker within 60 days of bujhaisaknuparne property details.

According to the staff of the Commission fine of Rs five thousand immediately submit details of the property has been decided to wear.
Government and public bodies must submit details of the employee provision in each year devote your property