Saucalayasamgai Manakamana bakery bread becomes, Monitoring Team abiding

Saucalayasamgai Manakamana bakery bread becomes, Monitoring Team abiding

anakamana bakery industry office is clean, well-equipped car industry propaitara simple jojiju climb. But her industry, she has been producing a loaf of serious negligence has been found.

The industry has been producing bread is stored saucalayasamgai. Often stay open saucalayasamgai entitled to open the bakery has been stored. On Tuesday, industry reached its monitoring team found hanging toilets shrimp loaf. For the rest, the majority of industry production has been found to send lebalasameta incentive to the market.

Such negligence was found Kaski District Monitoring Committee has abiding industry. Three years ago a similar rush of bread jojijuko industry was unfit. The monitoring team gave himself complained jojijule unnecessary grief. He said more than a dozen industry-desile have used more are dirty, but we are suffering.

Consumer Protection Rules 2056 Rule 52 sub 2 is a provision in the Chief District Officer Coordinator. Mangalabarakoe monitoring the district administration Nayab Subba was assigned. Last year, the Chief District Officer of Kaski Commerce and Supplies Department had awarded the highest monitored.

The team has received most of the bread industry weakness sanitation. The industry has been directed to focus on sanitation. Lakshmi BS 2064 etc. • Measurement devices industry is found not to renew. Similarly, Siddhartha Parsyang the bread industry is on the market to take on 3 accompanies the Level 2 team has found ready made bread. The industry has not taken the bureau anumatipatrasameta.

District Monitoring Committee in monitoring domestic and Metrology Office Pokhara chief Manoj Pokharel, Bishnu Prasad Acharya domestic authorized, District Administration Office, Rameshwar Prasad Koirala, a food inspector Anita Poudel, President of the Consumer Forum Kaski kapilanatha Koirala, secretary Milan Tiwari and police representatives had participated in KC.

Nepal Professional upabhoktamukhi not seem to have been the ongoing monitoring process ¥ m. In such cases, the abuse of law is in two ways. One, the law should be used instead of upholding the law by using another, another, not to place using the law.

Such negligence Food Act has been used. So far, no amendment to the Food Act 2023 BS made. When entrepreneurs use the law to punish low immunity would have been easy. According to the Food Act to take action and send food item in the laboratory. Such laboratory Butwal and are kathamadaummatra. Reported to come there, and the technical report from time to when the action is not effective, consumer rights activists.

Food Act has been divided into two categories such foods. Untainted foods, and low quality foods. Manakamana foods of low quality showed signs it Food Act requires that food sales from the first patakalai a cough two fining fine or six mahinadekhi one year imprisonment, or both penalties can be said for the second time this food sales, distribution of five thousand to 10 thousands fines or a year two years in prison or both of the provision.

The Consumer Protection Act 2054 Section 9 (a) the name of the product, address, date of production, date of consumables for the first time two years in prison for those who do not, or fine, or both penalties up to 30 thousands of the provision. Similarly, Similarly, Article 10 (a) in the inferior consumer goods production, sale, distribution and importation of imprisonment not exceeding five years or a fine or both may be sentenced to the law. According to the Consumer Protection Act to protect consumers' interests when action is growing consumer market chaos kapilanatha Forum Kaski President Koirala said.

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