The United Democratic Madhesi Front

The United Democratic Madhesi Front

The United Democratic Madhesi Front, to amend the Constitution by the province to discuss the demarcation for the change of government has warned that the formation of dissatisfaction, according to amend the constitution to conclude the three-week discussion about dissatisfaction with him Tuesday.

Monday Terai Madhesi Democratic Madhesi Front held a meeting of the party office to amend the Constitution of the country's internal matter and needed to discuss the matter vehemently government forces, giving priority to neighboring countries, meanwhile, has stopped.

Terai Madhesi Democratic Party discussed amendment to the constitution by Vice vrsesacandra Lal has warned that official position to decide about two / three days Front leader who informed the meeting.

Front Secretariat lost their lives during the Madhesi movement and agitation sahid announced the formation of a judicial commission to probe abuses among those said to have been cheered. However, some lost their lives in the name of the movement said sahidko Madhesi Front, said the list of missing.

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