These are harmful to garlic

These are harmful to garlic

Lasunale not only make our food sweet, it contains many kinds of nutritional elements to keep our body healthy also helps a lot.

Garlic health reform will be a regular diet and physical problems and diseases can also prevent some dangerous.

All that man does not lasunale good use of garlic must be knowledgeable about the situation is seemingly healthy.

It should be noted that these are slitting garlic intake.

Liver problems,: entibyakteriyala kill bacteria and entibhairala food, because they believe that garlic does eating right gardachanhepataitisa hepatitis is a disease that affects the liver does. But, for the treatment of hepatitis virus not good to eat garlic. Because, garlic affects the stomach and intestines must direct effect, which would cause gastric acid in our intestines to reduce the amount. Which resulted in a negative impact on our digestive system. This vomiting, may cause symptoms such as giddiness, nausea. So those of hepatitis do not use garlic.
The person is going to surgery: any kind of surgery 2 weeks before you even eat garlic to leave from. Because, when lasunale after surgery is an efficient blood and infected the wound gradually ripe.
 Low pressure person: slasunako reduces the body's nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide, such as construction chemicals puryaumdacha help. These chemicals relax the coronary arteries themselves. High blood pressure is beneficial, but for those garlic, garlic intake can be dangerous for those with low blood pressure goes
Diarrhea about the person: the person suffering from diarrhea if consumed garlic, its flavor intestine Peero puryaumdacha negative impact, which is due to be wound intestines, and this situation goes 'intestinal mucosal haiparimiya' called. When such a situation, the direction of severe abdominal pain, blood visible direction, including symptoms such as giddiness, nausea and vomiting. So, do not use garlic diarrhea when.
The person eye disease: the eyes of patients taking garlic do. Especially eye ripe lasunale harm the person, as well as the eyes can draw blood. Those eyes, garlic, alcohol, bringing a cloud of eye, eye pain, headache, including symptoms such as memory decreases.
So, if you rely on these 5 types of people that quitting intake of garlic garlic is beneficial for people to chodidinuhossadharana health status, regardless of the above 5 kinds of garlic can be dangerous for people. But if by mistake, and the problem began to consume garlic, quickly go to the health post and treatment.
      These have the benefit of garlic.

Factors found in garlic to balance high blood pressure, cardiac problems leadeth to help protect. Pisabathaili early garlic and pure diet upon the liver. Leadeth help keep the intestines clean lasunale.
Stomach problems for those who eat garlic on an empty stomach is very useful. This will strengthen digestion and appetite disappear.
The production of stomach acid lasunale turn off. Sugar in the blood volume of garlic on an empty stomach one dayabetijagrasta diet does help to balance