Two thousand seven feet long gharima banana!

Two thousand seven feet long gharima banana!

Hariwan Bahadur Karki, vegetable Municipality Number 8 of the ship gharima seven feet long banana combs 87 are withal. More than two thousand eighty comb seems ripe banana.

Chure mountain planted about 4 years to bring a banana plant started booting Bahadur Karki said. He molabhoga ripe banana crops like sweet taste would come.

After completing this treaty confirmed pods and fruit size and color of the round when Green light green waste has been cut banana The banana variety that is not rich information.

District Agriculture Development Office horticulture technical assistant Kailash Saha vasarai dwarfs, harichala, rovasta, William hybrid, molabhoga, sugar, banana campajasta Sanhe grow despite the Terai plains said it is not aware banana variety.