BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital

BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital

BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur Rs 56 million has been frozen. 072-73 in the fiscal year as a contribution to the Government of Nepal has a large amount of pumjigata budget is frozen.

In the last fiscal year, the government hospital for the development and upgrading of the various headings 56 million amount was sent. The government confronted stage cancer detection and other equipment purchases petaskyana the money was sent for. Even in the previous fiscal year to purchase machines petaskyana fridge was allocated. The government hospital in the last fiscal year, nearly 33 million for the purchase of machinery petaskyana and linyaka, City similetaraka 5 million, 2 million for the construction of modulara OT, ICU setup for the construction of 2 million and 7 million rupees was allocated. Executive Director of the hospital Dr. sivi Pun, disability and President. Prakash Neupane, due to bad intention to freeze the board member is accused Prasad Neupane.
Except for the last fiscal year, the hospital staff salary and allowances received from the government subsidy could not spend the amount pumjigata said a member of the hospital board. The hospital has received in the last fiscal year, about 25 million health to fund staff salaries was spent. The government grants received any initiative fridge to prevent the Board is not accused of employees.

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