Opening border with China korala

Opening border with China korala

China and Nepal border for some days connecting mustanasthita korala has been open again to reveal the tradition of the year twice, Naka Naka again be open to journalists, Mustang Chief District Officer Ganesh Adhikari informed that today is writing the news.

'Border gate is called to open on Wednesday August 4, the official said, "The Chinese came ahilecamhi stalabanaumdaichan for business Melaka. They opened the gate and goings in Nepal and utaka locals do not. "According to him, from August 4 to open the gate for two weeks had bilateral conversation.

The Chinese news, according to VDC Secretary Gyanendra Bista Mustang lomathana by locals that have occurred have focused for buying. Hiumkai the winter season when the local mobility problem now opened Bista said VDC secretary.

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