KP Oli, the Government of India to cut the vernacular run Congress: Sujata Koirala

KP Oli, the Government of India to cut the vernacular run Congress: Sujata Koirala 

Nepali Congress leader Sujata Koirala government to cut the current Oli India Congress accused the vernacular by ignoring.

Speaking at a program organized in the capital of the former Deputy Prime Minister accused of such.

He is currently in favor of Oli-led government dhalnuparne He said that the party workers of the All India said full irregularities.

He bhanina the current government has taken the right stand the idea of ​​her rastriyatasambandhi.

CPN-Maoist and Nepali Congress Centre, Prime Minister Oli government has accused desavikasama delay the abdication to the pressure bearing such statements filed during the Deputy Prime Minister.

From time to time because of his expression of amazement leader Koirala issue coming out.