3 killed in bus accident, 34 injured

3 killed in bus accident, 34 injured

Far Far rearrested headquarters cainapuratarpha Na 5 Kha 2832 heading to the bus when the accident three people jyaphuma Siddeshwor VDC-3 has been Saune.

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34 people were injured in the accident and is in critical condition in mid 4 stations deployed in the incident, police sub-inspector rupasiham Thapa said. About 45 people aboard the ulane said.

The deceased kotabhairava-3 bajhanaki punidevi kadayata and deuleka bajhanaki Naru Khadka has been identified. A man basamuni are wedged. His address is not known.

Extend the bus before the accident, police estimated that Thrashes taera.

Just about 2 meters down the road, according to the District Police Office, Kathmandu and.