60 thousand sets were destroyed, fruity monitoring toliddhara

60 thousand sets were destroyed, fruity monitoring toliddhara

Kathmandu satungalasthita Dugad Foods and warehouse of 60 thousand sets, fruity edible bebharejako government monitoring team found and destroyed it. The monitoring team of industry plant and warehouse was sealed this before.

Supply Management Department, Food Technology and Quality Control Department, District Administration Office, Kathmandu and consumer organizations in the industry a few days ago UN monitoring team have to be sealed in the plant and warehouse. The monitoring team led by the Department of Supplies and Consumer Welfare Protection Monitoring Branch, according to official Chandra Kafle fruity white box, debris and harmful to human health due to circumstances found Nast said.
Sold in the market, but outdated, fruity brought him back to the stage and sending the new labeling was tested a monitoring team reached Dugad warehouse.

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