A new killer disease is spreading 'scrub typhus'

A new killer disease is spreading 'scrub typhus'

Scrub typhus outbreak of a new disease has been increasing in Nepal. Headaches, fever of 104 degrees more, slender neck and neck backache etc. The symptoms of this disease are.

This disease has been detected in the preceding years and the official transition of Nepal, the disease has been seen in different districts of Epidemiology and Infectious Disease Control mahasakhaantargata Epidemiology Branch Chief Dr. Nidhi Sharma said.

Easy identification, the treatment of this disease, he said the five development regions, health organizations need to reduce operational guidelines for the information given direction. According to him, 53 out of highest Chitwan vaisakhayata disease infection is found.

Chitwan Medical College has been tested only disease here. An increasing number of outbreaks of viral fever including its hospital is required to test the other. In Chitwan district and the rest of those found in 33 patients in the Health Office, Chitwan District Information Officer VN Sharma said. More Chitwan dekhiepani SINDHULI this disease now, Nuwakot, Banke, Udayapur district is also seen.

"Of course, that was seen 5-6 years ago, Patan Hospital, but he could not come as official and scientific documents in", Epidemiology Branch Chief Dr. Nidhi Sharma said, "The previous year was confirmed in eastern Nepal, vaijnanikarupama is." The first was seen in 6 out, last year, on August 13 in Nepal, the disease brought into the government level about the same time, the disease was confirmed today views Dr. Sharma said.

"Eight people died of the disease last year was the lack of recognition, but this year, that information is not dead," he said. After receiving antibiotic easily be cured if the disease know Chitwan Medical College, Dr. Lamsal Dayaram. This disease is also a blood test in the past said they found Dr. Lamsal.

Above all a kind of an infected tick bite disease. Like lice, but it is subtle. This animal lives in the same RAT or ears. Grass and weed it fell apart when the man, and he crushed it ticks disease transmission.

This larval stage by sucking more. This disease, headaches, fever of 104 degrees more, slender neck and neck backache, sweat come, glands and other symptoms of objection Public Health Office Pest Control Inspector Ram KC said.

Sometimes this may be accompanied by diarrhea. Bhoj Raj Adhikari of Chitwan Bharatpur Hospital physician Dr. disease showed that even. This was seen in the army during World War II, Japan. Might fell to the grass, creeping army during the war moved in the forest was found. At that time, 30 percent of patients suffering from the disease do not know what killed Epidemiology Branch Chief Dr. Sharma said.

The disease was detected in Japan it 'susugamusi', also known as. This is a type of bacteria (Rickettsia) the disease provoking. Bush around, agricultural work, live everywhere, are more likely to move to live in turf weed. This man said to lessen doctors have said.

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