Add to further strengthen relations with India

Add to further strengthen relations with India

Janakarale international relations for the benefit of both countries to further strengthen Nepal-India relations has stressed.

On the occasion of India's 70th Independence Day of Nepal-India Friendship Society organized a program here today, only the speaker development and economic prosperity of Nepal-India relationship would be more intense. The program of the government of both countries purvauparastrapati ecstasy Jha said Nepal is one of the most important in the relations between the government not to destroy peace and arkaele party.

CPN (UML) leader Bharat Mohan Adhikari said that India has been able to take advantage of the economic growth of Nepal said that India has contributed to the establishment of democracy in freedom sangramale remembered. CPN (ML) General Secretary CP Mainali leader of India's freedom movement and the people of Nepal have also contributed to stability in both neighboring countries of Nepal said that the government should support the idea expressed.

National Democratic Party Chairman Pashupati Rana, the two neighboring countries would gain the same economic prosperity of Nepal should take advantage. Indian Ambassador to Nepal Ranjit Rae said in a neighboring country was unstable and unrest in India as well, due to its impact on India, said priority neighbor relationship.

Party Chairman Rajendra Mahato, CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) vice-chairman CP Gajurel, new power party leader Hisila Yami, Nepal-India enlightened members of the group Nilambar Acharya, President of the Society Love Lusk and member lokavikrama Thapa, both the relations to further strengthen the building to carry stressed .

Programs former speaker Daman Dhungana, former foreign Prof. Dr. Lok Raj Baral, civil society, Dr Sundarmani Dixit, Prof. Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma, India, Nepal former foreign Deep Kumar Upadhyay, Salt Trading Corporation Lika President laksmidasa MANANDHAR, Lalitpur Development Society Chairman buddhiraja vajraachaary, Founding Member ciranjivilala Agarwal and Balram Thapa, chief of the department at TU Hindi Shweta dipti, journalist yuganatha Sharma Poudel, Ramesh Jain Jain welfare Foundation, Treasurer and chief Executive Officer of Dabur Nepal Aditya Bhargava was awarded.