Arrested three Nepalese working in Malaysia, saying the left strike

Arrested three Nepalese working in Malaysia, saying the left strike

Malaysia nilaima in a van globha employed three Nepalese police have arrested a local. Leaving work strike against the other partner companies working in subverting Tanka Bahadur Chhetri said the company.

Anil Thapa was arrested Butwal, Pyuthan Wim again and Bara ramkishore hatijana but are arrested. Nepalese police with five other Pakistani workers have been arrested.

Minimum wages progressive, hostel facilities and services, including health care demand and deserve all the workers have been employed to work on Wednesday are on strike. The second day of the strike between workers and the company chalaphaka administration would meet the demands of their work is not the lack of workers.

Nepalese police arrested mantina sembilanako Negri now unnervingly are in custody. Kamadarale return to work to fulfill their demand would have said.

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