But great leaders and employees to repay burning power tariff line cutting Electricity Authority

But great leaders and employees to repay burning power tariff line cutting Electricity Authority 

Nepal Electricity Authority to repay large electricity tariff lines to take, but has now cut off immediately.

Tariff on the basis of outstanding small and medium power lines, but no action if the client is not large when the line to cut off has been broad bearing.

Energy Minister Janardan Sharma, three days and ten large power lines cutting water bills Authority Executive Director mukesaraja Kafle directed. Minister Sharma said '' executive director and head of the department concerned under the authority functioning trade «union representative team of the tax not paid subscriber line katiyosa. That action was taken, why not I be working nirdesakamathi raises questions. ''

Pradhikaranakaanusara some big business house, government agencies, individuals and industry business also near the power center by stubbornly not paid the tax. Minister Sharma duly even as preparations Authority Chairman Secretary Suman Sharma urged energy.

NTA Blacklisted client roster has been urging the public to understand the tax, but is equally stubbornly number of feeding. Mitarabaksa especially in some districts because of shortage of tarai plain stealing electricity consumers has been found.

Consumers of such authority has not been easy as transformers and even mitarabaksa. Due to gaining consumer whose electricity facilities have been deprived of. Minister Sharma said '' consumers paying more than lay NEA meter box Why was not, purchase a transformer which is taken for granted that are missing now, the process started by Rs. Lyaunusa quality transformer and meter box. Some of the work method will fear anyone. ''

He is due to lack of funds were essential in bringing content to sacrifice himself urged his responsibility to earn. About 30 million customers across the Nepal Electricity Authority, but failed to reach the place easily and electronic devices consumers have not been able to find service. That was the availability of electricity at least 12 hours of power cuts a day when there might have been forced to hit.

The private sector is currently a thousand 75 MW electricity transmission line project is doing, but the lack of the electricity produced by the national transmission line state can not add. A couple of months, a total of 185 MW of electricity will be produced when electricity will be wasted when the founders transmission line state.

The government also said that the import of electricity sub station, transmission line problem has been lack. Energy Minister said the staff and administrator to implement tougher time talikasahitako plan and also provide daily progress report gave instructions.

The government declared the state of emergency energy use on a daily basis, but if you do well not to take action against Energy Minister Sharma said the state of emergency should be pointed out that activities of an emergency way. Chief of the project should be in the workplace, due to be completed in time. ''

NEA project duruhapurna situation is the same. Project was the third 14 MW, 32 MW Chameliya Upper 'Three A' 60 MW could be in sight when not. 456 MW Upper Tamakoshi trouble caused by the earthquake the situation is the same.

Minister Sharma authorization from the past three years to see if the report is not essential as any changes that now no such exemption would not give anyone. At a program organized here today on the occasion of the anniversary of NEA 31 au Satya Energy Minister Bhagat meters subtle trend directed to an end.

Energy Secretary Sharma, strategic planning, in the next ten years due to badhnanasakne by any entity planning, strategy and stressed the need of making a program. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal direction of power cuts this winter sataghanta only work with the objective of giving information to the beginning of any project due to lack of funds and working Secretary Sharma said that will not be affected.

'' Light black share of the statute does not sell, we are honest, the remnant of the party if any problem comes. Conscious effort is necessary '' he said. NEA program of various trade «union representative institutional reform and is committed to work on governance and urged the Authority to minimize losses.

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