Castro 9 0 9 0 m long cigar made th birthday occasion to celebrate

Castro 9 0 9 0 m long cigar made th birthday occasion to celebrate

Cuban President Fidel Castro, the popular revolutionary leader and its 9 th annual birthday to celebrate 0 janmotsavaka day millions kyuvavasi and even abroad, and wishes him long life has created. Likewise, the Cuban people with the cultural and entertainment activity organized by any cheered desaibhari celebrating his birthday.

President Castro cigars (cigarettes) when a favorite cigar manufacturer 9 0 m long, the world's largest cigar was created to meet him and have been honored to offer.

The Cuban government media 'The Birth Day' in the title has been published today, President Castro is a subjective creation. The article kyastroele born in eastern Cuba, the fun days of his youth, and the youth sign reading kisoraavasthama have started after the revolution led by his father's death, etc. are all described in detail and remember.

Also, in 1 9 5 9 in the overthrow of the government of the then American totalitarian dictator phalgensiyo batistako How was the role played by the also mentioned in the article are in detail.

"The world's two largest saktirastra: Russia and China have strategic nuclear forces of progress and no one can stop and block. I looked over Cuba, about half of US President buried giddhe has satabdisamma resistance was "the article reads.

According to the Cuban intelligence agency, organization, revolutionary and radical anti-American leader of the Cuban Revolution came to power after the year 1 9 5 9 in 2008 against various sorts of holiday naliunjelasamma dusmanale themselves, and some of it is more than a hundred lives linesammaka composed sadyantraharu.

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