Class 12 science stream results to the public,

Class 12 science stream results to the public,

Council of Higher Secondary Education has cited taken Sanothimi Class 12 science stream students passed the test are 77 percent of the 73 decimal.

After the board of the National Examination Council Education Act sansodhanasamgai board for the first time today the results made public.

Published the results of a total of 40 thousand 603 students in regular Kool 2 9 9 52 thousand students graduated from the controller board test sake Santosh Aryal said.

Similarly, a total of nine thousand 781 ansikatarpha candidate participated in a test of four thousand 414 students graduated from 45 to 13 percent of decimal, he said.

12 percent more than last year, and this year's test in regular 2 point many students have graduated. Last August 15, the public has expressed in the Class 12 exams this year, he added chitogari public exams.

The rest of HSEB August 15 deadline has aimed to work with the public being informed Aryal.

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