It is demanding the city have begun to sit down puller

It is demanding the city have begun to sit down puller 

Upamahanagarale the route permit rules which refuses to set and achieve demanding an independent city, the city of Biratnagar City Rickshaw pullers Sunday drivers are also Protesting in front of Biratnagar Sub-metropolis office.

The movement of the roads are jammed the street from City rickshaw pullers calakaharule earlier had pointed at the barriers. Saying that though it refuses to allow a variety of route upamahanagarale making rickshaw driver have vainly to maneuver.

IBar sub-gate 2 hours in the morning until 12 pm 10 bajedakhi were staged. Sloganeered the driver. They jumped on the Biratnagar-Dharan Street City Rickshaw paunaparne, the inner path should be repaired immediately, rutaparamita scrapping the license procedure and have demanded.

More powerful movement of his demands are not met garnesamajavadi e-rickshaw Association president Rakesh said Cde.

Rickshaw driver movement is due to Biratnagar, traffic has become chaotic vyavasthapanasameta. Rickshaws because they have to jamasameta highway. Highway City rickshaw driving durghatanakosameta much risk is increased.

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