Dang, a water industry only women workers

Dang, a water industry only women workers

Dang operating a water industry has kept women only as workers. Rapti Tulsipur Municipality-1 ramrima drinakina Drinking Water Industry All human female only be kept.

Not contain any chemical treatment of water from the pear claimed Rapti drikinama female employee is to build up the doors. The establishment of industries to provide local women with the objective of employment of women in the industry, according to human use. 5 hundred cartons of water daily production workers in the industry today there are 7 women. To manage water production is to have the doors until mahinale said the marketing penetration by a male employee has been assigned ¥ Pa. For all other women only work in the industry, the management staff khemaraaj Oli said. He learned the local level skills of women, and the use of TU, ​​said that industry.
Natural source, produced by the water treatment industry increased demand in the market capital will ¥ yaekole said. Raising the cost of nearly 80 million in the water industry and market Rapti Dang, Salyan, Rukum, Banke among others.

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