Entrance supplementary exam is completed, the results will be made public within a month

Entrance supplementary exam is completed, the results will be made public within a month 

Primer complementary to increase the grade of the exam has been completed today. Test Control Office, Sanothimi across the 1 9 2 exam will be held in the test conducted by the Centre of the examination controller Prasad kaprile information.

Test a maximum of two visayasamma saiddhantikatarpha 'D' and 'E' category to bring in regular and ekjamtedatarphabata about 73 thousand participated in the test. The trial began on July 14, since 'D' and 'E' to bring all the students did not participate.

Some of the classes, students enrolled in grade 11 or have chosen other options passed or failed because the certificate and that the number of missed exams due to decreased office said. Test results public within a month, it is learned.

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