Expatriate workers victimized by the police "more torture"

Expatriate workers victimized by the police "more torture"

As usual on Tuesday morning with the Saudi police van arrived at the camp. Worker identification (akama) sought. "Ana sorry" does not always have the same answer of workers in the camp sat not befriend us. 'Crying nepaliya' showing police say ran to him. 10 people went gadibhitra counting. Kyampabhitra were 50 workers. Also called the police car to take all at once could. Still, only 10 people on Tuesday began.

Saudi Arabia hayalasthita ajejiya work camp in the Nepali Chris international company. The company is able to give them do not work, do not live in Saudi identity is visible. Back to Nepal has neither. The company's torment and stress so they were bhogirahekai, now it has been added to the police. Nepalese police have taken away from the camp on Tuesday lifted the sun just kept dinabharajaso. An hour later, he called in to sign a paper marked. Then go to the camp, saying L FIG.
"It takes two hours to arrive at Camp in the sun police station to walk. We do not have money riding car. Walk the dusty sun palate. Not to buy water on the road. Home is byways. Beat increases. Life is dry perspiration is the body, "2 9-year-old Laxman Tamang said, 'It was then that we suffer."
They police unnecessary suffering the states. Police work to show to his supervisor, they were sad about them is diirahejasto. "Otherwise, why we came to blows every day, and the sun sekaumcha away? 'Tamang asks,' Why are we suffering from? How are the victims? It is well known to the police. What are some not. Instead of making the victim more victims. "
Kathmandu 'jebiara last March and April, the first week of manpower kampanibata 1 Nepali workers who were Saudi. Among them are 50 hayalama. They do not know where the rest went. "The new project is, pay 15 hundred riyals found that the oil company made a deal with Labour were working," Tamang said, "When the Saudi company sent ramco. The company took two and a half months work. The company failed to build akama work all the artifacts are expelled from the camp. '
The company has just set up camp say. "Soft afternoon looking for the tree walk. At night the roof should go, 'he said,' Now, some organizations are given food. So life is overtime. "They all want to be reconciled to the country as quickly as possible. Paying Rs 1 lakh 30 thousand went to the hands of their foreign earned a Real also failed. More than three thousand riyals will return home to pay the company saying the opposite. Jebiara to send them to save manpower director Deepak Ghimire also urging that he should have to live there.
'Earn from submitting that the manpower million. NPC to return to where it is, and then we also? However, the situation came to die here how to live? "Asks Tamang. Rescue workers in the local labor office for the company to have filed a complaint. Nepalese Embassy hayala must riyadasthita far. To discuss and resolve the issue with the company representatives, have been deployed in the embassy. "We have taken it seriously. The company indeed be inclined to send home and wanting to work with us to work out the words, "Labor Counselor for -Meetings Adhikari, the Post said.

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