Five out of the ring road and 22 meters standard road work ahead

Five out of the ring road and 22 meters standard road work ahead

Earthquakes and blocked roads in the district due to sanctions expansion has taken action to pick up again.

Both the ring and out of the area in the district has increased in road expansion Kathmandu Valley Development Authority Engineer Purna Maharjan said.

Five out of the ring road and 22 meters of criteria before the road work has increased. Chief District Officer, President, Director of the Committee's decision on the basis of the expansion of road construction road work is ahead. Maharjan said - "as decided by the Committee, we'll have embarked on work."

NEA Committee has decided to put the building on the street sign before the Division Road Office has increased. Nakkhu River bunmatisamma 22 meters of criteria before the road work has increased. The road marking has been completed. After finishing the construction of roads to dismantle the division has initiated the process.

Godavari Bridge before merging kundasamma road construction works are increased. Hattivanasammako merging topping out of a pool. Before merging related works increased godavarisamma mark Maharjan said engineer.

The workload of road lalitapurakai the gvarkaema two years ago was the beginning of the road expansion. Gvarkaebata imadolasammako banaunesamgai road is paved out. Imadol lubhuko karmanasa extent of the road marking has been completed. The temporary structure is out to destroy the work. Division Street office has initiated the tendering process and construction. The way this year after the fiscal year lubhusammako Office lamatarasammako road work ahead.

Capagaumsamma impounded-marking has been completed. This road earthquake last year was already a sign of speculation. Dholahitisamma temporary structure has been dismantling the legislature.

Bungmati Nakkhu River, satadovato-Malla, merging KU bridge is a bridge, four road is 22 meters by Imadol karmanasasamma are standard. Twenty-meter standard of road construction, road improvement project in the Kathmandu Valley will. Many of these home to request that their places are less local road standards. NEA said the Cabinet decision to change the criteria humdabaheka other state has not said.

Ring out the main parts of the road width of 14 meters by seven ÷ seven criteria before the Authority has increased the bad road. ICIMOD Dhapakhel expansion and construction of the road connecting thecosamma before being increased. Supporting both inside the ring and before working on the streets has increased. Dhobighat Sundarighat criteria of 14 meters is the beginning of the road expansion. NEA work is due to have completed the work of the Division Street office.

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