For neighbor countries fatal pressure

For neighbor countries fatal pressure

Chairman, Nepal-China Mutual Cooperation Society
Since 2044 in favor of a career in journalism, and in 1987 from the Nepal-China Mutual Cooperation Society formed by the historical friendship and diplomatic relations between Nepal and China deepen relationships and effective active mass premasagara Poudel name. He says that the historical friendship and the bilateral relations between Nepal and China to deepen their relationships and effective mass is necessary to fix it. Undeterred, the country's current paudelasamga conversation concerning:

Power politics has always guided Nepal's neighbors called the government now change its effect also think, you?
It is a certainty that politics in the neighboring effect. Nepal is weak and unstable political system of the country, such effects are the same, but it depends on the extent to which leaders that keep. The northern and southern neighbors of the southern neighbor's influence increased, and the surface is also seen that the discussion. If such effects may be fatal for the country to grow it. Therefore, the interests of time, a neighbor of mutual interest parties, on the basis of cooperation and coexistence should be increased by.
Chinese president to visit the discussion has escalated to disrupt the government changes, do you think?
I also follow the dictates of the communication mediums you, but the mouth of the Prime Minister that the Chinese president's visit has been arranged milauchu. How hindrance to the implementation of agreements with China, the prime minister, and how to address the security concerns to the Chinese President's visit will depend reside.
Prime Minister Oli of agreements with China also fears that the government will have to think before you debate that?
Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal himself all the public entitled to implement the agreement with China, expressing the commitment is made, and the government recently due to fears by now not to clarify the situation. Implementation of all agreements and treaties that the Prime Minister had said I feared even more than many of his behavior pratyaumla it. I think the same way he treats the two neighbors.
Outgoing Prime Minister Oli are now made patriotic image. He practiced the same patriotic ganinchana netamai?
Prime Minister Oli today promotion were not as patriotic leader. Indian politicians due to the individuality collision In fact he was anti-India Anti bijepi camp are standing. Because of this he managed to deal with China parabahana did. This is important work was his life. Historically men who made them. In fact, as he made the promotion of China are not trusted friend. He Indo-American camp on the affected. It is clear that sanctions for more than six months he has been attributable to the shortage of petroleum products and the import and trade of petroleum products also did not compromise with China. Protecting Indian interests. China proposed the two thousand megawatts of electricity did not. In favor of China, India and pascimaharusamga vargeninga continued to stand by. The Chinese parkhaparkha cater juice. A solid plan successful labor.

How long this government stand? Wanting to feel you?
In terms of how many days the government is rooted in the case of the government of Mathematical this sakinnana say. Small small parties to convince it to fetch a better position than if the other side can get information that is rooted in time, so the government can not say so, but it is the nature of government itself stood unstable.
Nepal's friendly countries interested in politics of the past and seeing what is vartamanasamma?
First, bilateral, and its criteria for those who are? The country is yet to be clear to all friendly countries in the world as we are looking at and we have been treated. In case of some countries, we are being treated as an enemy of the nation. Nepal's politics and selfish interests of nations and diverse kind of friend. Not just the same words. Some concern and anxiety are some of the natural selfishness is unnatural and offensive.
This means that China has exploited the love, but India is your assumption? And, it is seen kakasalai guilty?
China has always been the basis of equality and co has been treated. He has embraced a foreign policy based on equality coexistence and laissez faire policy of China because we have to feel the love and support we have. Here's policy on small and large countries in the world because China is becoming the center of faith and trust. Larger area of ​​India is also weak and poor country. Nearly three million more than the population are forced to spend the night in a railway station and on the street. Adhabadhi population has not been able to use the toilet. Nepal Uttar Pradesh and Bihar state criminal arena are becoming connected. In India, output power is more power, more than unproductive. Nepal, water, plants, herbs and minerals found no use if you can not manage India's internal. Lems direction the country will disintegrate. So the leader of Nepal tempting, fear of intimidation and intrusion by making Nepal and is exploited. It is his obligation. Such support his anti-Nepal cooperation and feedback to our course of action the leaders of the main culprits.
Indian intelligence enjesi raa to enroll at the mercy of the regime change in Nepal is becoming ever been discussed that you feel that way?
Nepal, the inhabitants of the world's most nations have their intelligence agencies. Nepal is a country full of natural srotasadhanale. Nepal's water, forests, vegetation and minerals is very important for countries like India. To achieve this operational mechanism for the India has all his. The weakness of our country as poor and needy expansionist and imperialist countries struck by natural srotasadhana different countries, for example mineral and oil exploitation are doing a great deal. A traitor and the natural srotasadhana tempting, vegetable, mineral and herbal attempt is to control. Raa to discuss the reaction that keeps the regime change in Nepal is not faithful.
 If so, what impact on China and India from Nepal, are they?
I am told about earlier in response to the question posed. China's foreign policy is based on Panchsheel. He Interference with small and large all countries on the basis of equality and coexistence behavior does. And his influence in the world is increasing day by day and trust. India to intervene in the internal affairs of their neighbor country, border encroachment and to keep their security umbrella seeking behaviors such as fatal and amaitri who are skeptical and fear. Altruism, confidence is growing. India himself as a good neighbor and a friend if I could handle the future integrity of India is not safe. That is the difference between China and India.
Nepal's political parties and leaders tend to see what you think?

Political parties could strengthen over the country and people. Rules when their interests seem to have been established for the program and behavior. The political leaders of the real leader of the country and could not be. They could be the leader of his party. It seemed made little gutaupagutaka leader. Most people's welfare and interests in the country and committed to the rules when there are seen. It is unfortunate that we have.
Nepal is the last king of hot discussion with the Hindu nation, the country took the initiative in that direction, then?
It is based on a desire of the Nepalese people. King is right about the leaders of the patriotic than others who day by day the number is growing. All land has a unique identity and are advocating proportional representation. Perhaps if we could all be included again next dvandvasuru. Nepal king allowed some space by using anti-cal king bolnasakcha land is cracked. Our leaders are not external pressure to bear different weaknesses and self phasekale capacity. The king also giving a upayuukta common and peaceful and developed Nepal can draw pictures.

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