Lila Kumari, 25, tried to kill the incident, a neighbor pouring

Lila Kumari, 25, tried to kill the incident, a neighbor pouring

Nepalgunj on July 28 | Nepalagannja, upamahanagarapalika 16 koriyanapura resident Lila Kumari, 25, 45 years old tabasuma volley of body tries to neighboring families have been pouring boiling water to kill. Normal body begin to grasp the incident took tabasuma and his daughter had hot water poured her nepalagannja is undergoing treatment at Bheri Zonal Hospital. Hot water 25 percent of his body burned preharile said. According to the Direct rdirsaka times tabasumako parivarabica dispute was in progress. The 45-year old target sangagna incident tabasuma Police immediately arrested Banke District Police Office informed that the major upriksa Tanka Prasad Rai. Other people can be involved in the incident, saying that the investigation process is further extended, said.

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