Looking into the bitter sweet tempting to use the fact of goods, candies heinous crime to bribe businessmen attention to forsake the upabhoktakarmiharuko

Looking into the bitter sweet tempting to use the fact of goods, candies heinous crime to bribe businessmen attention to forsake the upabhoktakarmiharuko

All hope for keeping the name of the sweet according to taste for it. Looking for more than just eating sweets tempting mithaiharu Kathmandu, including the identity of stores. But within the same bitter sweet stories are beginning to come out of the route. A serious impact on human health have been found parnesammaka safeguard ghrstataharu.
Kathmandu businessmen to earn more profit to be used for more than hating overdue flour, semolina flour and use has been found. That will have a direct effect on the stomach.
Businessmen low quality ghee and oil piped to use the old because of the neck occurred related to various diseases has been found. The production of sweet food items ponds trimurti confectionary store quality is not found, and the most dirty.
Food Technology and Quality Control Department, District Administration Office, Kathmandu and consumer rights team on Monday by the Joint Monitoring this fact is found.
Monitoring during the production of the sweet area of ​​very dirty and stale sweets sold to bhateko Food Technology and Quality Control Department of Food Research Officer God gave Subedi information.
Food Act contaminated food product, selling, export or import of a person or a fine of Rs 5 thousand to 10 thousand years could be sentenced to two years imprisonment or both of the law. Human sthavastha up the sweet big toy merchant cod up to be the most strictly decorated by consumer is saying.
The fact that the valley is found during monitoring khuleamarupama slow poison sweet poison sold in the name is confirmed. This is normal, not a heinous crime. It would be unthinkable to leave aparadhakarma attached saying the businessman a bribe upabhoktakarmile the attention of government officials are.

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