Narendra Modi, saying that keeping savantaviruddha insult filed in court
Narendra Modi, saying that keeping savantaviruddha insult filed in court
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's charge of insulting Bollywood 'item girl' Rakhi savantaviruddha known that has been filed in court.
Modi's name and photo slim design by the 'dress' Progressive Women dressed in court due to Meerut esijeema welfare name of an unregistered, registered a case against him.
_l it crossed the enajioki Vice Prime Minister Lata says insulted its people.

Vice President says, "Our country does respect women's dignity. But to get publicity for this kind of work does not suit any woman. Keeping such actions hurt the reputation of the country's prime minister has reached. This is not acceptable in our country prakaruko act. "
_l Remember, slim 10 August for the media to gather to discuss the prime minister's name and photo of the dress she wore. The couple is connected to a program of freedom slim dress wore in Chicago. This photo social media has been printed Modi was very hot. Even then stripped of their social media activities, has been attacked by it were.
Continued exposure to many kinds of thread for making controversial statements give inspiration.