Northeastern India sankhaya attack death toll reaches 15

Northeastern India sankhaya attack death toll reaches 15

Kokrajhar is near the northeastern Indian state of a busy market area by a group of gunmen shot dead Friday bandukadhariharuko death toll has reached 15, the number of persons.

The number of injured, three more people were killed and 15 reached after it is learned. Among the injured, one person was killed on Saturday morning and the two last night.
On Friday, the National Democratic Front vodolyandaka suspected militia attacks death toll to 15, as well as in the other 20 were injured.

Safety Action akramanakarisahita killed a number of people killed in the attack reached 15 himanta of Assam health minister has said that the world sarmale AFP on Saturday.
According to police, the attack on Friday was attended six bandukadhariharuko. If an attacker were killed in police action. Police continue to search for other akramanakariharuko is kept informed.
The ethnic violence in the past two years, is near the same area, about a hundred people were killed and another fairy four million have been displaced.

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