Oli pradhanamantriddhara tender offer, including videos appointing poimantrima
Oli pradhanamantriddhara tender offer, including videos appointing poimantrima
Today is the festival of Gaijatra. Nepali people, especially Newari community, are celebrating this festival with much gusto in the capital, wishing peace for the departed soul.Blended with satire and parody, the festival commemorates the demise of people during the year. Amid the celebration, cows are marched in the streets and generally celebrated in the Nepali month of Bhadra.History has it that the Gaijatra festival had been initiated by King Pratap Malla in order to console his wife who was grieving over the death of their son. Every year, LGBTs also participate in the Gaijatra festival, as a symbolic fight for equal rights, freedom and social justices.