Purvamuma Queen Mahendra manjilako power line cut
Purvamuma Queen Mahendra manjilako power line cut
The former residence of the Queen Ratna Rajya Laxmi Shah, Nepal Electricity Authority has cut off electricity. The technical team from the Narayanhiti Sunday rajadarabarasthita Mahendra Ratna living residence Floor power is cut.
According to the NEA chief Mukesh Kafle, Mahendra Ratna has lived for a long time the president Floor nabujhaepachi electricity tariff is cut. "His president is 37 lakh 31 thousand rupees tariff dues yet to submit it, we from the Ministry of the direction of long-NEA client's electrical disconnect that is," he said, "humanity as and purvasammanita person due to the Government of Nepal upper body power to leave the direction we have to reconsider our . '
After being appointed Minister of Energy, Minister Janardan Sharma dues were directed concerned officials to cut power to scrap. According to Mahendra Floor Kafle was repeatedly failing to understand the correspondence. The NEA dues increase if electricity was cut off. Mantrikai directives Mahendra Floor power is cut off.
After the announcement of the ex-Republic of stones, living jnanendrasamgai Gyanendra left Narayanhiti also living there with her. Mahendra manjilamai live your life the inhabitants of resolution she arranged for the government was defective at the time.