Rs 10 more imposing fuels

Rs 10 more imposing fuels

Nepal Oil Corporation petrol, diesel and aviation fuels per liter Rs 10 atiritta amount consumers have to take.

Last week, the price adjustment garnupurva Corporation's profit lower amount of vehicles to the recent price drops by consumers who are more charging Rs 10. Gandaki Hydropower Project and other infrastructure tax title to take a liter of more than 5/5 of Rs. However, the budget for the fiscal year 073/74, according to the statement specified for Gandaki Hydropower Project is not allowed to recover the Rs 5 consumers. Similarly, the corporation profit tax provision for the voyage and profit rakamabatai infrastructure also has been collecting since consumers additional 5 Rs.

All last week the price of fuel was reduced. According to NOC officials concerning petrol and diesel was reduced by 2/2 Rupee. But, the reality is far more recently, amid additional amount was Rs 10 to fall. Naghatai Gandaki and another title for the infrastructure to take tax money. 'Gandaki infrastructure for taxes at the customs point, "Bhanu Corporation spokesperson, said the end of the money raised from the public to be.' Infrastructure taken for the public to identify with the consumers the fore, he said.

"Flooding the international market price of fuel is not the public deficit," he said. Most of the officials in this regard NOC decreasing fuel prices to recover further funds are being told that consumers identify with humankind. If fuel prices in the international market and consumer akasiepachi not take their argument.

NOC extra charging the consumers, there is a Rs 87 per liter of petrol, diesel, Rs 63, aviation fuel and antarrastriyatarpha internal 8 9 78 rupaiyammai would be. Recently 9 7 petrol, diesel 73, aviation fuel and antarrastriyatarpha internal 8 9 88 has been charging Rs.

13 September 2071 since the price of petroleum products applied automatically since the corporation is profit. Profit after sarakarasamgai Employees Provident Fund and Citizens Investment Fund and commercial banks have taken 36 times from Rs 86 billion debt is paid. Loans have to be paid in June. However, even if the debt has been imposing more money.

NOC cooking gas and kerosene if additional funds are not raised. Additional funds have objected asulibare upabhoktavadile. "Payment of the loan was to be about a month. But, even more money to collect the payment in the name of fraud, "the National Consumer Forum president Maharjan said," when all the debt paid by the government / public corporation not to mislead the consumer. "Urgent to reduce the amount raised, he said.

Corporation for the construction of infrastructure that title loans are kept informed. "Infrastructure development for loans in the title liter 5-Rs, we hope, the Corporation Acting Deputy Executive Director Nagendra Shah said," the amount of storage increase. "We NAC debt payment by heading raised funds for infrastructure development spend claim after its separate another title . According to the development of infrastructure for a liter of petrol by Rs 5 per 76 Money, diesel 4 Rs 9 5 money, kerosene 4 Rs 88 cash, aviation fuel internal 18 Rs 88 money, antarrastriyatarpha 18 to Rs 88 money and cooking gas pratisilindara 6 9 Rs 33 money has been allocated.

Now liter of petrol, Rs 8 83 Money, Money diesel 2 Rs 12, Rs 16, 18 kerosene money is profit. Cooking petroleum gas money 1 hundred 11 to Rs 70, Rs 15, 88 aviation fuel antarikatarpha money and antarrastriyatarpha 25 Rs 3 money is profit. Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has sent the first 15 days of August price structure of fuel to be traded for a profit of Rs 44 crore 36 lakh seems.

Budget vaktavyaanusara the consumer, without the additional weight of the NOC to import petrol, diesel and aviation fuels in the rate of tax levied at the customs point 5 Rs' is. The compulsion to make the government to prepare Gandaki Hydropower Project. However, this amount is not found to recover from consumers. The last in mid-July 1 billion has been collected Rs 15 million. It is not only the title of the next title in the NOC, including the additional amount to take.

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