During the evening in the form of a darsana like Hanuman to see, giving this song, and share a share may also be done; Maundy will receive ..Watch video
A woman's poignant anguish
A woman's poignant anguish
Even though you took me about 5 years older than you were fat. After returning to Gurkha kataravata were not. I wok…Read More
Nepali Bhajan kasari manu shiva lai
Nepali Bhajan kasari manu shiva lai
Today is Monday 'Today Lord Shiva thinks the mood of the mind is the mind from the darsana be completely ...…Read More
Shiv Bhajan (Rare)
Shiv Bhajan (Rare)
Today, Mon bar; See the Shiv psalm, and today is a day of work virsanuhosa Lai
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India celebrates 70th Independence Day
India celebrates 70th Independence Day
India celebrates 70th Independence Day on 15 August 2016. The country became independent from British …Read More