Swimming striking pregnant, this is the secret

Swimming striking pregnant, this is the secret

One such incident occurred in Florida in the United States, which has been mentioned in the traditions. There is a swimming pool, bathed 16 girls have become pregnant. All pregnant women and understand what is said to be natural physical relationship with her man must pass.

According to the report all these girls were participating in his friend's pool party. Where they washed the bridge and move the party and the dancing after swimming. Delicate lye. But shortly thereafter, the pool is cleaned and all 16 girls garbhavatibhaeko detected.
So the young men who went to bathe in swimming pool seperate garbhavatibaneko together during the investigation of the incident by the pond with water, microscopic test. In the course of the bathing water at the time men live sukrakitaharu the fact that girls are detected. The girl's genitalia by entering them in the same sukrakitaharu conclusion was made pregnant.
These girls were 13 to 17 years. They are physical relationship with a man who is not pregnant, and yet they also do not have sexual relations with any man. These 16 girls have sex is justified by Virgin garbhavatibanesamgai together there was great turmoil.
If this is not the first incident. Earlier, in 200 9 in Poland and a bath in a hotel swimming pool swimming at the bridge of her pregnancy in the event of a girl was not made public.

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