The famous comic artist dhurmuusa Police den!

The famous comic artist dhurmuusa Police den!

Police have arrested the famous comic artist dhurmusa kattalelai.

According to the Daily News the police by arrested SINDHUPALCHOWK giranacorabata dhurmusalai is.

In charge of building housing for earthquake giranacaurama pipadataharuka dhurmusalai Sisnupani Nepal police by arrested on the basis of ujurikoe. There are serious allegations which were laid more than a dozen mulyanakanahuna is required.

If the allegations proved dhurmusa-Suntali the foundation so other houses will also need to be built.

More than a dozen allegations about dhurmusa-Suntali phaundesanamathi has been marked. Two of which had accused the government of shame pelvis nirmanagari Construction Authority has taken as a horrible crime. Nepalese living in Des passport of money collected by the winning mind, leaders received the most applause, to build settlements for victims of an earthquake space.We've donor face the awful dhurmusamathi aparadha accused has been charged.  _DCnepal.

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