The second game between Nepal and the Netherlands continue (Update)

The second game between Nepal and the Netherlands continue (Update)

Under the ICC World Cricket League Championship Nepal nedaralyandsasamgako today playing the second game. Nedaralyandko emastalabhinasthita bhiae Ground bizarre batting. Nepal's 16-over game losing mask 2-over 48 runs playing upland.

Earlier on Saturday, the first game nedaralyandasasamga losing six this match jitnaiparne increased pressure. Points table in sixth place in Nepal in 2018 to keep alive the hope of one day playing World Cup qualifiers this game is important. The team will play in the World Cup are the top four choices. Nedaralyandasahita Nepal and Hong Kong, further states, Scotland, Kenya, Namibia and the United Arab Emirates UAE are participating in the 8 Nations. Netherlands have won 12 points from five games in game 7 game is the top place. 7 games lost five games and four points from two games won the sixth place in Nepal. Nepal same before 9/9 points from Hong Kong and Scotland, and 8 points and 6 points further states are Kenya. Earlier, Nepal had defeated Scotland and Papua New nyuginisamga the match. But namibiyasamgako Kathmandu, Nepal had won the match.

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