The unity of the country to prevent manipulation of foreign powers

The unity of the country to prevent manipulation of foreign powers

RPP-Nepal Chairman Kamal Thapa of the National Democratic Party, said the party faced integration Afzal said. On Tuesday, the party integration costs of preparing a program of integration process has been obstructed during the last Samayam come.

On Tuesday, a press conference of the National Democratic Party Chairman Thapa immediate unity for national democracy partisamgakoe clearly be faced. RPP President Thapa could not understand himself, the integration work has blocked the last time the party came to the fore.
RPP-Nepal Chairman Thapa two parties to prevent the unity of the country by foreigners accused irregularities. Raprapasamga very angry press conference the intended Thapa RPP president Pashupati Rana to take the responsibility of all its forces.
Chairman of RPP and RPP RPP-Nepal behavior is made possible by a clear unity. Foreign power to interfere in the land of increasing disintegration and unity of patriots required to renounce unity ahead of RPP-Nepal Chairman Thapa statement.

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